This year Started for Thala Fans with Thala Ajith Kumar Yennai Arindhaal Movie wich came under Direction of Gautam Menon and Released in February Month. Yennai Arindhal movie Released in Huge Number of Theaters and Collected good collections. This movie came was very different when to compare to other Thala Movies. As Thala said to Gautham Menon that Yennai Arindhaal should be Different and gave freedom to Director to direct this movie in his own style. Director Gautham Mennon Kept his words and given his best for this movie each scene and Dialogs in Yennai Arindhaal was mindblowing.

The Trailer Of Yennai Arindhaal Movie Increased huge Hype for this movie and made Fans wait eagerly for Movie Release. But, Unfortunately, this movie failed to attract Thala Fans after the movie Release. This movie got an Average Talk for this movie by this Thala fans have upset for Yennai Arindhaal movie Result. In spite of Average Talk this movie has collected good box office Collections and this movie Proved again Thala Ajith Kumar is King of Boxoffice Collections.

Vedhalam(aka)Vedalam Review and Rating/ Ajith Vedhalam/Vedalam movie Review and Rating

Now, This year Ajith is releasing his Second movie Release on November 10th,  a day before Diwali Festival. This Time Thala Ajith Kumar Joined Hands with his Director Siva. Thala and Siva Worked together for Veeram movie which released on January 2014  and the lead role in this movie is played by Tammana Bhatia. This movie has clashed with Ilayathalapathy Vijay Jilla Movie and Stood First in Clash. Ajith Veeram movie got good a Hit Talk from the movie lovers. Now again Thala and Director Siva have joined hands together the Project Vedhalam/Vedalam Movie.

Vedhalam/Vedalam movie is written and Directed by Siva and this movie is a Horror Thrilled action movie which is ready to release on November 10th, Worldwide. The main lead roles in this movie are played by Shruti Haasan, Lakshmi Menon, Kabir, Rahul Dev along with Thala Ajith Kumar. In this Vedhalam/Vedalam movie, There is the rumor is Spreading that Thala will be seen in Dual Role one as Taxi Driver and Other as Don and Lakshmi Menon will be a role as Thala Sister. The Character Role of Thala is Vinayagan this movie is releasing in Telugu as Aavesham and it will be Releasing after releasing in Tamil.

Vedhalam(aka)Vedalam Review and Rating/ Ajith Vedhalam/Vedalam movie Review and Rating

From the Trailer, Release Date Vedalam/Vedhalam movie Started Creating Records.The first record is Created by The trailer of this movie next Record is that this movie first day Tickets advance booking has booked by fans within Thirty-Second and this is the first Tamil Movie which is going to release in Poland for the first time. The latest Record Created by this movie is that this movie has Already collected Seventeen Crores before a release of this movie and Satelight rights of this movie are Purchased by Jaya Tv For a Record price. Now we have to wait and see for the Movie review and Movie Collections.

Vedhalam(aka)Vedalam Review and Rating/ Ajith Vedhalam/Vedalam movie Review and Rating


  • The first Premer of This movie is Started in Singapore in Rax Theater Starting Thala Ajith Kumar Entry is Mindblowing in This movie and his Style, Look are Theri Mass.
  • While Aluma Dolma Came on Screen Keep Ur Ear Drums safe as This Song is Vera Level in This movie.
  • Comedy Tracks were excellent and Fights were Awsome.
  • Just Completed Intevela till the now movie is Theri Mass and Blockbuster.
  • Interval Bang is Veera Level Good Suspense maintained in this movie.

Rating: 4/5 From Overseas till now 

Plus Points: 

Thala Ajith Kumar


Aluma Dolma Songs


Interval Bang

Theri Mass Scenes

Second Half Suspense

Thala Fights

Last 20minutes of Climax


Negative Points: 

A bit Drag in Second Half Starting

Final Word for this movie:  Yet To come from all sources 

From the News, we got known the sources that this movie got a blockbuster Talk this movie is Veera Level in Mass. Thala Ajith Kumar is the Only Person who can do Justice for this role and Thala lived in this Scene. Thala Into Interval bang and Climax of this movie are Veera level. Just wait for Some more Time to know Indian Result.

Happy Diwali to All and have a safe Diwali