Jill Junk Juck is a upcoming Tamil Comedy movie which is directed by new Debut Director Deeraj Vadiy and Produced by Actor Siddharth. This movie story and Screen Play work is handheld by Mohan Ramyakrishnan and Deeraj Vaidy. Vishal Chandrasekhar has composed all tunes for this Jill Jung Juck Movie. This movie has released its first poster few days back and gained all positive response for its first poster release and increasing hype for movie.

Directer: Deeraj Vaidy
Producer: Siddharth
Written: Deeraj Vaidy,Mohan Ramakrishnan
Starring: Siddharth,Sananth Reddy,Avinash Raghudevan
Music: Vishal Chandrasekhar
Cinematography: Shreyaas Krishna
Edited: Kurtz Schneider
Production company: Etaki Entertainment
Country: India
Language: Tamil

Siddharth’s Jil Jung Juk hd First Look Poster

The main lead roles in this movie are played by  Siddharth, Sananth Reddy, and Avinash Raghudevan. The trailer was out and out comedy. This movie is produced by Siddharth himself under Etaki Entertainment production house and plannig to release this movie in end of this year.