Rajinikanth Kabali movie has finished the CBFC screening and came out with a clean U certificate. This movie will be releasing on July 22nd in India and in overseas Kabali movie will be out a day before release in India. It is estimated that Kabali movie will be releasing in more than Ten thousand screens and this is the highest screen booked for a south Indian cinema till now. As there are only two days remaining for the release of the movie. Kabali movie team has released an making video of this movie on Youtube.
Within the less time Kabali making video gone viral and started trending on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. In this making video director Pa. Ranjith is explaining the scenes to Rajini sir and some walking style of him will be seen in this making video. The making video length is less than one and half minute. But, this small one and half minute made a trend in Social networking sites and this shows the craze of Superstar Rajinikanth.
This making video was viewed by more than fifty thousand people in less than two hours after the release. After watching this making video fans are not sure its going to be a typical superstar film or Rajini Sir in Ranjith movie. Because there is a rumor spreading on Kabali movie that this will be the different movie in Rajini sir movie career and Rajini sir has acted how director Pa. Ranjith wants for his character in this movie. Director Pa. Ranjith has already announced that this movie is completely different from other Rajini sir movie and no punch dialog are used in Kabali movie.
We have to wait for some more time witness the Gangster Kabali