The most awaited movie Kabali will hit screens from tomorrow morning and in overseas this movie started its benefit show a few minutes back. In India, Kabali movie show will be screening from morning 4:00 am onwards in some theaters. Kabali movie tickets have already sold out in advance booking and still many people are booking their ticket online. Superstar Rajinikanth fans are waiting to watch Talalivar on screen after two years long gap. Madaras movie fame director Pa. Ranjith has directed this movie and Kalaipuli S Thanu produced this movie from his own production house. Santosh Narayan has composed excellent music and background score for Kabali movie.

Kabali movie premier show has already started in overseas and fans are excited to listen to the kabali movie public response about Kabali movie. Not only India but in other countries also Kabali movie first show tickets are sold out. Kabali movie will be releasing in Tamil,Telugu, and Hindi languages on the same day. Kabali movie was made up with the budget nearly 100cr and the happy news is most the money spend in producing Kabali movie has been recovered through benefit shows and advance booking. Kollywood movie Industry is ready to face the new box office record which will be created by one and only Superstar Rajini sir.


A few days back the Hindi version of Kabali movie got leaked on the Internet before Kabali premier show was screened and today the introduction scene of Superstar gone viral on Youtube again. This news is making Kabali movie producers and fans disappointment. Kabali movie team is requesting all the fans not to post the movie important scenes on social networking sites. Before the release of movie these scenes of Kabali movie were out. So, please stop uploading videos in any social networking sites.

Kabali premiere shows live updates and public response

  • In Kabali movie you will see an unexpected camo.
  • The first song in the movie is Kabali daa
  • more details updated soon.