Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) is an upcoming comedy thriller movie in Telugu which is going to release on 11th December 2015. A new director is introduced to Telugu movie industry with this movie. Jagadish Talasila making his debut as a Director in Tollywood with this Movie Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) and this movie is Produced by Sai Prasad Kamineni under Mayukha Creation production house. Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) is the First movie which is Produced by Sai Prasad Kamineni.
Directer: Jagadish Talasila
Producer: Sai Prasad Kamineni
Story: Jagadish Talasila
Starring: Lavanya Tripathi, Naveen Chandra
Music: M. M. Keeravani
Cinematography: Eshwar Yellumahanthi
Edited: Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao
Production company: Mayukha Creations
Release dates: December 11, 2015
Running time: 120 minutes
Country: India
Language: Telugu
Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) movie is Directed by New Debut Director Jagadish Talasila. Even though this is his first movie as a Director he has good experience in Directing films. As he worked as an Assistant director for some movie which came under the Direction of S.S Rajamouli. Jagadish Talasila played a key role while Rajamouli is Directing Tollywood big budget movie Magadheera. Now, Jagadish Talasila is making his entry as a hero with this movie. The lead pair in this movie is played by Naveen Chandra and Lavanya Tripathi. These two stars made their Debut entry as actors in with the same movie Andala Rakshasi in the year 2012 and after a gap of three years these two Star actors came pairing together again for this Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) movie.
All the Songs in this movie is Composed by Top music Director M.M Keeravani. As Jagadish worked with Rajamouli as Assistant Keeravani accepted to compose tunes for this movie. The most the Technicians who worked in this Lacchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) movie almost all worked in S.S Rajamouli movies. The songs which composed in this movie have excellently tuned by Keeravani.