The most awaited Rajinikanth movie Kabali has released on the internet before the release of a movie. Kabali movie recently completed its censor screening in Tamil,Hindi, and Telugu version a few days back and everything was set to release this movie on 22nd July. But before the release, the Hindi version of Kabali movie has released on the Internet and its going viral. It is estimated that Hindi version Kabali movie is released on more than 130 websites. The distributors of this film who purchased this movie were gone in stress because of this issue.
Not only Kabali recently many movies has faced this issue. The movies which are ready to release in cinema halls that movie is appearing on the Internet before the release of the movie. Recently Hindi movie Great Grand Masti has faced the same issue. Great Grand Masti movie was released on Internet two days before the release of a movie. In Telugu Power star Pawan Kalyans AD movie 1st half was released on the Internet before the movie release. In Tamil Ilayathalapathy Vijay also faced this issue. Most producers are facing more problem by this issue whole management of a movie are facing troubles.
Now, a special team has taken responsibility to remove the Kabali Hindi version from the internet and to stop piracy of this movie. However, Rajinikanth true fans wont watch his new movie on TV or the Internet. If anyone finds pirated new movies on the Internet or nearby and Cd store please make a complain about it. Save movie Industry and do not encourage piracy of movies. Piracy is a crime kill it.